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E. O’Gorman. 2021. Wetlands in a Dry Land: More-than-human Histories of Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin. Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

E. O’Gorman. 2012. Flood Country: An Environmental History of the Murray-Darling Basin. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Vic.

Edited collections

E. O’Gorman, M. Carey, W. San Martin, and S. Swart (eds.). 2024. Routledge Handbook of Environmental History. Routledge, London.

J. Beattie, E. Melillo, and E. O’Gorman (eds.). 2015. Eco-Cultural Networks and the British Empire: New Views on Environmental History. Bloomsbury, London and New York.

J. Beattie, E. O’Gorman, and M. Henry (eds.). 2014. Climate, Science and Colonization: Histories from Australia and New Zealand. Palgrave Studies in the History of Science & Technology. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

Edited Journal Issues

S. Grenfell, M. Grenfell, S. Tooth, A. Mehl, E. O’Gorman, T. Ralph, and W. Ellery (eds.). 2022. Wetlands in Drylands: Diverse Perspectives for Dynamic Landscapes. Wetlands Ecology and Management, vol. 30, no. 4.

C. Mauch, R. Morgan, and E. O’Gorman (eds.). 2017. Visions of Australia: Environments in HistoryRCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society, no. 2.

Journal Articles and Chapters in Edited Collections

P. Govind, D. Houston, E. O’Gorman, A. McGregor, S. Suchet-Pearson, J. Symons. 2024. ‘Offsetting’. Living Lexicon in the Environmental Humanities. Environmental Humanities.

D. Houston and E. O’Gorman. 2024. ‘Environmental Humanities’, in Introducing Human Geographies. K. Dombroski (ed). Routledge, London.

E. O’Gorman and A. Gaynor. 2023. ‘Histories in, of, and for More-than-human Worlds’, in Routledge Handbook of More-than-human Studies. A. Franklin (ed.). Routledge, London.

E. O’Gorman. 2023. ‘What’s in a Name? More-than-Human Approaches and Environmental History’. Global Environment, vol 16, no.2, pp.401-409.

D. C. Flakelar and E. O’Gorman. 2023. ‘Wayilwan Women Caring for Country: Dynamic Knowledges, Decolonising Historical Methodologies, and Colonial Explorer Journals‘, Journal of Australian Studies, vol. 47, no.1, pp.160-180. * “Highly Commended” Distinction, John Barrett Award 2023

E. O’Gorman. 2023. ‘Wintering in the South: Birds, Place, and Flows’, in Migrant Ecologies: Environmental Histories of the Pacific World. E. Melillo, J. Beattie, and R. Jones (eds.). University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu.

E. Potter, F. P. Miller, E. Lovbrand, D. Houston, J. McLean, E. O’Gorman, C. Evers, and G. Ziervogel. 2022. ‘Manifesto for Shadow Places: re-imagining and co-producing connections for justice in an era of climate change‘, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, https://doi.org/10.1177/2514848620977022

S. Grenfell, M. Grenfell, S. Tooth, A. Mehl, E. O’Gorman, T. Ralph, and W. Ellery. 2022. ‘Wetlands in Drylands: Diverse Perspectives for Dynamic Landscapes’. Wetlands Ecology and Management, vol. 30, no. 4, pp.607-622.

E. O’Gorman. 2021. ‘Weathering the Anthropocene at the End of the River: Thinking with Brine Shrimp in the Coorong, South Australia’, in Hacking the Anthropocene. J. Hamilton, S. Reid, P.van Gelder, and A. Neimanis (eds.). Open Humanities Press.

S. Fuller, K. Ruming, A. Burridge, R. Carter-White, D. Houston, L. Kelly, K. Lloyd, A. McGregor, J. McLean, F. P. Miller, E. O’Gorman, S. Suchet-Pearson, H. Taylor, G. Walkerden, M. Williams, and A. Ziller. 2021. ‘Delivering the Discipline: Teaching Geography and Planning in Covid-19’, Geographical Research, https://doi.org/10.1111/1745-5871.12472

E. O’Gorman and R. Morgan. 2021. ‘Fluid Terrains: Approaches in Environmental History’, Australian Historical Studies, 52, 2, pp.141-170

E. O’Gorman and A. Gaynor. 2020. ‘More-than-human histories’, Environmental History, 25, 4, pp.711-735.

E. O’Gorman. 2020. ‘An Encounter With Brine Shrimp and Deep Time’, in C. Muir, K. Werner, and J. Newell (eds.), Living with the Anthropocene, Sydney: New South, pp.134-137.

E O’Gorman. 2020. ‘Reflections on Environmental History and the Work of Deborah Bird Rose‘, Swamphen: a Journal of Cultural Ecology, 7, pp.1-2.

S. R. Januchowski-Hartley, C. Bear, E. O’Gorman, and F. A. Januchowski-Hartley. 2020. ‘Underwater‘, A-Z of Shadow Places Concepts, pp.1-5.

Emily O’Gorman, Thom van Dooren, Ursula Münster, Joni Adamson, Christof Mauch, Sverker Sörlin, Marco Amiero, Kati Lindström, Donna Houston, José Augusto Pádua, Kate Rigby, Owain Jones, Judy Motion, Stephen Muecke, Chia-ju Chang, Shuyuan Lu, Christopher Jones, Lesley Green, Frank Matose, Hedley Twidle, Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, Bethany Wiggin, and Dolly Jørgensen. 2019. ‘Teaching Environmental Humanities: International Perspectives and Practices’, Environmental Humanities, 11.2. November, pp.427-460.

E. O’Gorman. 2018. ‘Swamplands: Human-Animal Relationships in Place”, in N. Cushing and J. Frawley (eds.), Animals Count: How Population Size Matters in Human-Animal Relations. Routledge Environmental Humanities, London, pp.85-98.

J. McLean, A. Lonsdale, L. Hammersley, E. O’Gorman, F. Miller. 2018. ‘Shadow Waters: Making Australian Water Cultures Visible‘, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. DOI: 10.1111/tran.12248

E. O’Gorman. 2017. ‘Imagined Ecologies: A More-than-human History of Malaria in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area, Australia, 1919-1945‘, Environmental History, 22, 3, pp.486-514.

C. Mauch, R. Morgan, and E. O’Gorman. 2017. ‘Introduction: Envisioning Australia’. In: C. Mauch, R. Morgan, and E. O’Gorman (eds.). Visions of Australia: Environments in HistoryRCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society, no. 2, pp. 5-11.

E. O’Gorman. 2017. ‘Pelicans: Protection, Pests, and Private Property’. In: The Multispecies Editing Collective. Troubling Species: Care and Belonging in a Relational WorldRCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society, no. 1, pp.41-48.

E. O’Gorman and T. van Dooren. 2017. ‘The Promises of Pests: Wildlife in Agricultural Landscapes‘, Australian Zoologist, 39, 1, pp.81-84.

E. O’Gorman, J. Beattie, M. Henry. 2016. ‘Histories of Climate, Science, and Colonization in Australia and New Zealand, 1800-1945‘, Advanced Review, WIREs Climate Change, 7, 6, pp.893–909. DOI: 10.1002/wcc.426

E. O’Gorman. 2016. ‘The Pelican Slaughter of 1911: A History of Competing Values, Killing and Private Property from the Coorong, South Australia‘, Special Issue: Legal Geography, Nicole Graham and Robyn Bartel (eds.). Geographical Research, 4, 3, pp. 285–300. DOI: 10.1111/1745-5871.12169

E. O’Gorman. 2015. ‘Experiments, Environments, and Networks: Commercial Rice Cultivation in South-Eastern Australia, 1900-1945’, in Eco-Cultural Networks and the British Empire: New Views on Environmental History. J. Beattie, E. Melillo, and E. O’Gorman (eds.). Bloomsbury, London, pp.233-262.

J. Beattie, E. Melillo, E. O’Gorman. 2015. ‘Introduction’, in Eco-Cultural Networks and the British Empire: New Views on Environmental History. J. Beattie, E. Melillo, and E. O’Gorman (eds.). Bloomsbury, London, pp.3-20.

E. O’Gorman. 2014. ‘Belonging’. Living Lexicon for the Environmental Humanities in Environmental Humanities, 5, pp.283-286.

J. Beattie, E. Melillo, E. O’Gorman. 2014. ‘Rethinking the British Empire through Eco-Cultural Networks: Materialist-Cultural Environmental History, Relational Connections and Agency’, Environment and History, 20th Anniversary Issue, 20, 4, pp.561-575.

E. O’Gorman. 2014. ‘‘Soothsaying’ or ‘Science’? H.C. Russell, Meteorology, and Environmental Knowledge of Rivers in Colonial Australia’, in Climate, Science, and Colonization: Histories from Australia and New Zealand. J. Beattie, E. O’Gorman, and M. Henry (eds.). Palgrave Studies in the History of Science & Technology. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp.177-193.

J. Beattie, E. O’Gorman, M. Henry. 2014. ‘Introduction’, in Climate, Science, and Colonization: Histories from Australia and New Zealand. J. Beattie, E. O’Gorman, and M. Henry (eds.). Palgrave Studies in the History of Science & Technology. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp.1-16.

E. O’Gorman, J. Beattie, M. Henry. 2014. ‘Future Research Directions’, in Climate, Science, and Colonization: Histories from Australia and New Zealand. J. Beattie, E. O’Gorman, and M. Henry (eds.). Palgrave Studies in the History of Science & Technology. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp.251-253.

E. O’Gorman. 2014. ‘Remaking Wetlands: Rice Fields and Ducks in the Murrumbidgee River Region, NSW’, in Jodi Frawley and Iain McCalman (eds.), Rethinking Invasion Ecologies From the Environmental Humanities. Routledge Environmental Humanities, London, pp.215-238.

E. O’Gorman. 2013. ‘Growing Rice on the Murrumbidgee River: Cultures, Politics, and Practices of Food Production and Water Use, 1900 to 2012’, Journal of Australian Studies, 37, 1, pp.96-115.

D. Rose, T. van Dooren, M. Chrulew, S. Cooke, M. Kearnes, and E. O’Gorman. 2012. ‘Thinking Through the Environment, Unsettling the Humanities’, Introduction to Environmental Humanities, 1, pp. 1-5.

E. O’Gorman. 2012. ‘Local Knowledge and the State: The 1990 Floods in Cunnamulla, Queensland, Australia’, Environmental History, 17, 3, pp. 512-46.

E. O’Gorman. 2010. ‘Unnatural River, Unnatural Floods?: Regulation and Responsibility on the Murray River in the 1950s’, Australian Humanities Review, 48, pp. 87-107.

E. O’Gorman. 2005. ‘Colonial Meteorologists and Australia’s Variable Weather’, University of Queensland Historical Proceedings, 16, pp. 67-88.

Book Reviews

E. O’Gorman. 2016. ‘Declaring Drought’, a review of Endurance: Australian Stories of Drought by Deb Anderson, Australian Book Review, April, p. 41.

E. O’Gorman. 2014. ‘A Review of The Fall and Rise of the Wetlands of California’s Great Central Valley by Philip Garone’, Roundtable Review on H-Environment, 4, 10.

E. O’Gorman. 2011. ‘A Review of Droughts Floods and Cyclones: El Niños That Shaped Our Colonial Past by Don Garden’, The Bulletin of the Pacific Circle, 26, April, pp. 16-19.

E. O’Gorman. 2010. ‘A Review of Gardening the world: Agency, identity, and the ownership of water, by Veronica Strang’, Anthropological Forum, 20, 2, pp. 205-7.

E. O’Gorman. 2009. ‘A Review of Fresh Water: New Perspectives on Water in Australia edited by Emily Potter, Alison Mackinnon, Stephen McKenzie and Jennifer McKay’, Australian Humanities Review, 46.

E. O’Gorman. 2007. ‘A Review of Libby Robin’s How a Continent Created a Nation’, Australian Humanities Review, 43.

Public Commentary, Government Submissions, Podcasts, and Blogs

Interview on wetlands histories in the Murray-Darling Basin. Late Night Live, ABC Radio National Australia. Air date: 17 September 2021.

Interview on Wetlands in a Dry Land for the New Books Network, September 2021.

Talk for the Greenhouse Book Talks Series, August 2021.

Short interview on Gundagai floods in 1852. Drive with Richard Glover, 702 ABC Radio Sydney. Air date: 22 March 2017.

‘An Encounter With Brine Shrimp and Deep Time’, Everyday Futures, 2017.

Interview on Environmental Humanities (interviewed by Sarah Yoho). enhanceITN. 2017.

P. Scherrer, E. O’Gorman, H. Power, M. Kearnes, S. Suchet-Pearson, and T. Latty. 2016. ‘Reimagining NSW: going beyond ‘wilderness’ and finding fresh ways to relate to our environment’. The Conversation.

Environmental Humanities – A New Journal’, ‘Thinking Historically About Floods in the Murray-Darling Basin’, and ‘What Does ‘Flood Country’ Mean?’. 2012. Blog posts for Conversations with AUSCCER.

Remaking Wetlands: A Tale of Rice, Ducks, and Floods in the Murrumbidgee River Region’, Interviewed by Dr. Jan Oosthoek for EH-Resources Posted on 5 December 2012.

Short interview on flood history. Drive with Richard Glover, 702 ABC Radio Sydney. Air Date: 5 March 2012.

Interview on flood history. ‘Deluges that have gone before‘. Rear Vision, ABC Radio National. Air date: 9 February 2011.

Short interview on flood history. ‘Floods of 1974 Cast a Long Shadow’. 7:30 Report, ABC television. Air date: 12 January 2011.

L. Head, J. Atchison, L. Gibbs, E. O’Gorman, and C. Phillips. Submission to the ‘Inquiry into the Impact of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan in Regional Australia’, 2010.